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PhD Candidate at Purdue University, Computer Science.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The cairo day

Tuesday i have been to cairo.

it was a nice day, i attended to the SCM (software configuration management) course in Hilton.

i don’t have a lot of time to write abt the day :(mayb later i will do.
i just wanted to report two funny scenes.
i am not joking nor pretending. i saw an ant there, an ant in Hilton!!!
the ant was abt 2 cm!!

i didn’t c the SCM course very useful, it is very theoretical. i beleive that if someone doesn’t have the skills, he won’t get it by attending that course.

also, the english accent of the instructor is insupportable.

anyway, i got sthg i liked to propose on our group.

a smart process called traceability_Matrix. i think that we can implement it in a web based. well, wt is that mtarix abt??????

simply, i think we suffer from multiple folders we have, and which version of code satisfies which bug fixes, and which design document describe this version implementation..and which…and which… whi… also, having a folder and Bugzilla for the customer X different than Y encourage the salesbuzz to expand into branches. The traceablityMatrix is a table containing fields linking the various documents to the version controller and the test cases applied.

so, following the scenario when a change requirement arrives:

1- an automatic ID filled is generated to the new entry

2- the field requestID is filled by the customer ID or the team member ID.

3- the description is entered describing the change req.

4- the requirement priority is entered: it can be in range(wish list–>blocker).

5- dependency , whether it depends on another req or not.

6- Analysis field indicates the team member who did the analysis for the req.

7- changes Approval ID: indicates the ID of the approval document of the Project manager and the customer on the cost and such things.

8- Design ID: links to the document carrying the design changes or the document version describing the design of the new req version.

9- Code: version ID of the code on the version controller.

10- Unit test case Id. done on the realease done to that release.

11- Integration test ID. the integration test done to test the whole ssystem with the application.

12- test case description.

i think making it in web based in very flexible and nice. becasue just keeping it as a document is not promising at all.

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