Here it is the script of our seminar. The script that was so natural and expressive, so far.
i beleive that the most impressive part of it, is the pre-interview scenes.
it really reflects sthg of the reality, which makes it the most pwerful and interactive one. all the candidates interacted with it very well.
i hope that this script is an unforgetable experience of my life.
Scene 1:
Splash Screen for eSpace
Mode: Text Screen
Charcters: None.
Location: None.
Objective: Attractive Start.
Music: Silence
Description:: displays the following text.
Haza el film we ma ya7tawih men sha5seyat howa men nasg 5ayal el mo2alef.
We ay tashaboh ben a7dath el film we al wake3 howa men kabil el sodfa el ba7tta.
Mode: fast motion
Charcters: Karim as Kimo.
Hamdy as Tito.
Location: Office, in a room where there exist more or equal than 4 PC's.
Objective: Significance that eSpace needs new developers.
Music: fast music.
Description: in a fast motion mode Kimo&Tito access all the PCs in the room.
They move from one PC to the other in a Spagetti way. Things fall of disks……
Mode: Normal
Charcters: Kimo.
Location: Office, in a room where there exist more or equal than 4 PC's.
Objective: An introduction to the movie idea.
Music: mayb a background music or none. It's not essential.
Description: Kimo&Tito sweating looks exhausted.
Kimo: ana te3ebt ya 3am. Bass el nass eli me3ana kollohom mash3'olin fi elprojects eli me3ahom.
Tito: 3andak 7a2; e7na AHL 3amalna makan kowayess fi el market during last year, we galna projects in the last short period.
Kimo: ma7na el mafrood ba2a nefadi wa2t 3ashan ne5tar 7ad gedid, e7na fe3lan me7tagin 7ad me3ana.
Tito: e7na momken ne3mel e3lan 3an recruitment ; wana kaman sama3t en el dof3a el gedida kowayessa. Momken ne5tar kam wa7ed menhom nebtedi ma3ahom el mar7ala el gaya isa.
Kimo: tab fekra kowayessa, te3raf 7ad menhom?
Tito: mesh fekret a3raf 7ad menhom, fi job fair beta3 el koleya, momken neshoof fih eh el nezam. Bass el fekra enema ezay nedy fekra 3an gaw eSpace. We eh heya el 7agat eli benrakez 3aleha 3andena.
Kimo: ana shayef enak tewasal el culture beta3et eSpace heya aham 7aga. Bass enema ne5ali wa7ed yo2aff yetkallem di mesh powerful awi.
Tito: tefteker mathalan momken ne3mel eh? Negebhom yeshofo espace zeyara mathalan we yeshofo el atmoshphere 3andena 3amel ezay?
Kimo: mesh awi keda, bass momken ne3mel 7aga shabah keda enema nesawar lohom interview we yeshofo el denia 3amla ezay wel gaw eh beta3 el nass.
Tito: 7elwa di, fekra gedida we shaklaha laziz. Ta3ala neshoof CV men el 7abba dol.
(a different day where they receive some CVs as result of their announcement)
Kimo: el CV da shaklo maktoob kowayess, el spelling fih kowayess we shaklo expressive awi. ta3ala nekalemo.
(tito holds the phone…..sound of the ring)
Mode: Normal
Charcters: Ehab as Bibo.
Location: Home, in a room.
Objective: A spot on the candidate reaction. The scene describes a behalf of a stressed candidate. His expectations and imagination will be negatively affected by his worry. There is no need to be frustrated or panic.
Music: before the telephone rings o3'neya nakad. Ba3d keda music faray7i shewaya.
Description: Bibo (Upset) is sitting in the room, and he is putting a lot of telephones in front of him waiting for anyone of them to ring.
(comic scene abt disturbtion of many wrong calls then the telephone rings, bibo ready to jump)
Bibo: aiwa ana bibo….isa isa…okay …bye.
AHL, rabena yekremni bokra ba2a isa. Fadel bass eni azabat el 7agat beta3ti 3ashan aroo7 faye2 bokra….
(el denia tedallem)
Mode: Normal
Charcters: Bibo,Kimo,Tito.
Location: eSpace.
Objective: wrongfully expectations, CV must be well revised.
Music: first scary music mainly of heart beats, and then steps sound….
Description: Bibo (scary) walking in a corridor towards a door. Opens the door.
(scary music)
(light on)
(bibo walking then opens the door which makes a noise)
(the interviewer look a little bit evil aggressively speaking)
Kimo: enta 2oltelna esmak eh?
Bibo : (low sound) mmm…m.mmmm..bibo.
Tito: sorry?!
Bibo: m.m.m.bibo, ana bibo, aiwa ana bibo.
Tito: Eh eli maktoob fi el CV da? Maktoob……
Bibo: eh el maktoob 7adretak?
Tito: wana esh 3arafni , howa ana 3aref a2ra el 5att!! Mesh 3agebni, 5atto we7esh.
Kimo: enta leh mkatabtesh 3ala computer?
Bibo: asli kont mesta3gel.
Tito: tayeb, we enta kateb enak darast….eh di? Yabni, 4th betetkatab bil "u" we mafish "e" fi a5erha, katabtaha keda leh?
Bibo: mesh 3aref.
Kimo: yabni mesh da el CV beta3ak?
Bibo: warini keda. La2 mesh beta3i.
Tito: 2omal sooret meen di?
(Bibo recognized that he had a nightmare).
Bibo: AHL, ya sater, da kan kaboos fazi3. bla,,bla,,bla
Mode: Normal
Charcters: Bibo,Kimo,Tito.
Location: eSpace.
Objective: eSpace needs.
Music: first scary music mainly of heart beats, and then steps sound….
Description: Bibo walking in a corridor towards a door. He noticed that it is the same of the nightmare. And then Opens the door….(but this time he sees interviewers look better, so he starts to feel better )
Tito: ezayak ya bibo? 3amel eh? Bala blab la.
Bibo: tamam Ahl, bla,bla,bla..
Tito: momken nebtedi benak tekalemna 3an nafsak.
Bibo: a2ool eh ya3ni?
Kimo: 3adi ya3ni, enta shayef nafsak eh, aham 7aga betmayezak, eh hadafak fi el 7ayah ya3ni….7agat men keda.
Bibo: mesh 3aref, 3al 3emoom ana men el no3 eli mesh bey7eb yetkalem 3an nafso ketir. Ana ragel beta3 af3al.
Kimo: tayeb, ma3alena ,e7na shofna e lCV beta3ak we kan motamayez fa7abbena netkallem ma3ak shewaya 3an 7abbet no2at. We te2olena ra2yak fiha we keda.
Bibo: (looks having very proud)akid tab3an, etfadal.
Kimo: lama te7sal moshkela, hal bet7awel tela2i 7elool sahla walla 7elool sa3ba?
Bibo: (with a background of comic animated flash) ana zaki bilfetra, ya3ni AHL AHL wallaho akbar el 7elool elly batala3ha mesh ay 7ad ye2dar yestaw3ebha bisor3a.
Tito: wenta betfakar fi el 7elool di, e3temadak binesbet ad eh 3ala zamaylak.
Bibo: ah danta betetkallem 3an el teamwork ba2a?!
Kimo: 3alek nooor.
Bibo: (with a background of comic animated flash of wrongfuly teamwork thought)dana a7san team player momken tela2ih, el teamwork da ba7ebo gedan, a2ool eh walla eh bass?! Bla bla…
Tito: (with a background of animated flash of healthy teamwork thought) fe3lan 3andak 7a2, e7na fi eSpace, aham 7aga 3andena el teamwork…blab la.
Kimo: bass 7ekayet el team work di beteb2a me7taga 7aga ganbaha, ya3ni, lazem yekoon 3andak nass initiative, proactive, we nass yekoon 3andohom leadership…..
Bibo: mana AHL el 7agat di kollaha 3andi, ana dayman kont ba7eb amashi el nass (comic flash of wrong leadership). El leadership heya eli beterbot el nass, we lazem temsek el nass bi2id men 7adid…
Bass mesh di el 7agat bass eli enta me7tagha.
Tito: 2olena fi eh Kaman?
Bibo: challenge tab3an.
Tito: fe3lan el challenge di 7aga major.(flash abt right challenge)
Bibo: Me7tag 7abbet challenge fi el sekka 3ashan yekoon 3andak 5ol2 3al sho3'l welnass, we matezha2sh bisor3a. akid 7atwageh se3oobat we lazem tekoon wa2ef ded kol el 7agat di. (Comic flash of wrong thought)
Kimo: enta shayef nafsak eh Kaman kam sana?
Bibo: ana ba7eb akoon 3aref kol 7aga fi el sho3'l. eni keda akoon 7aga asaseya fi eSpacel, zay el gebna biltamatem. (in his head that he is sitting in the same position and doen't move for many years)
Kimo: eh 3elaket el 7agat di bili enta bet2olo? Thoma ana mesh ba7eb el gebna.
Tito: mesh moshkela 5alass. Tayeb enta shayef enta te2dar te7a2a2 da ezay?
Bibo: (fi dema3'o beyfakar "a5lass men eli beynafesi fi el sho3'l") Bilsho3'l tab3an.
Kimo: la2,asdi enak akid 7atkoon me7tag tetawar nafsak ma3 el ayam we tekoon mashi ma3 learning process.
Bibo: ah,ah. Kont 7a2olha.
Tito: (flash abt good learning ability) ya3ni nefham men keda enak bet7eb tet3allem 7agat gedida, we el technology? We dayman betdawar 3ala kol gedid, we enak mesh bet7eb teb2a expert in already familiar things?
Bibo: Absolutely (comic flash of bad static learner).
Tito: ma3andaksh 7aga te7eb tes2alhalna? Aw ay 7aga te7eb te3rafha 3an eSpace?
Bibo: ya3ni, mafish 7aga mo3ayana. Ana metabe3 eSpace men zaman we 3aref 3anha kol 7aga.
Kimo: e7na motashkerenn gedan 7edoorak we isa bla bla …..
Tito: bla bla bla
Bibo: blab la…
Mode: Normal
Charcters: Kimo,Tito.
Location: eSpace.
Objective: the competition is hot.
Music: none.
Description: kimo talking with tito. And in front of them a lot of CVs.
Tito: e7na less 2odamna CVs ketir.
Kimo: shed 7elak ya tito, hanet. Bass AHL ana shayef fi CVs ketir kowayessa we maktoob 7elw, we fi candidates ketir kowayessin.
Tito: ah,bass Kaman e3mel fi 7esabak el dof3a el gedida Kaman, lessa 7atewsalena menhom CVs isa.
Tito: okay , emsek el CV da bardo, we ta3ala nekallem sa7eb el CV.
(tito hold the phone again)
(the lights are off gradually)
(u hear only different ring phones, and different "allo" weaving together…..)
The end