Note: Web-Browsers neither support PUT nor DELETE
Create a Rails project and the Resource Scaffolding
$ rails warehouseWe can now have a look to the generated controller.
warehouse> ruby script/generate scaffold_resource product name:string desc:text
exists app/models/
exists app/controllers/
exists app/helpers/
create app/views/products
exists test/functional/
exists test/unit/
create app/views/products/index.rhtml
create app/views/products/show.rhtml
create app/views/products/new.rhtml
create app/views/products/edit.rhtml
create app/views/layouts/products.rhtml
create public/stylesheets/scaffold.css
create app/models/product.rb
create app/controllers/products_controller.rb
create test/functional/products_controller_test.rb
create app/helpers/products_helper.rb
create test/unit/product_test.rb
create test/fixtures/products.yml
create db/migrate
create db/migrate/001_create_products.rb
route map.resources :products
warehouse> rake db:migrate
== CreateProducts: migrating ==================================================
-- create_table(:products, {:options=>"default charset=UTF8"})
-> 0.0160s
== CreateProducts: migrated (0.0160s) =========================================
An example of URL in REST is (/product/1) instead of (/products/show/1). We notice that the action is dropped from the URL, we can't know what is the action that should happen to the addressed resource.
The REST actions are activated through a combination of resource-url and HTTP verb. Another feature in the REST action, is that it can react with different response-formats . REST uses the respond_to. We can see this in the generated controller we got from the above steps.
The format specification can be simply done by appending it to the request.(http://localhost:3000/products/1.xml)
Remember the old days when we used to find the following line in the generated views:
link_to :controller => "products",:action=>"show", :id => productLooking to our generated views, we see the following code instead:
>>>< href="/products/show/1">Show
<%= link_to 'Show', product_path(product) %>The 'link_to' call is the same, but the hash is replaced by the path_methods.
>>>< href="/products/1">Show
Same thing for the following methods:
<%= link_to 'New product', new_product_path %>It is not surprising to expect that the REST will affect our forms too. Now, we have to use Path-Methods in our Create/Edit forms.
>>>< href="/products/new">New product
<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_product_path(product) %>
>>>< href="/products/1;edit">Edit
The :url-hash is replaced with the calling of a Path-Method
- product-path for the new-form.
- product_path(:id) for the edit form.
<%= form_for(:product, :url => products_path) do |f| %>
>>>< action="/products" method="post">
<%= form_for(:product, :url => product_path(@product),
:html => { :method => :put }) do |f| %>
>>>< action="/products/1" method="post">
< style="margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt;">
< name="_method" value="put" type="hidden">
< / div>
Finally, the Destroy. The method used for both showing and deleting is 'project-path'. The only difference is that the destroy link additionally uses the parameter :method to name the HTTP method to use (:delete) because the browser doesn't support DELETE.
<%= link_to 'Show', product_path(product) %>In the same manner controllers have to take special care in using the new technique during redirect operation. Rails uses the URL methods generating a method for each path methos:
%= link_to 'Destroy', product_path(product),:method => :delete %>
project_url for project_path
projects_url for projects_path
redirect_to :controller =>"products", :action=>"show", :id=>
redirect_to project_url(@project)