After I installed ImageMagick on my MAC. I couldn't run the mogrify commands to resize my JPG image. the error i got was..
No decode delegate for image format
So, I tried to rename my file to gif and test but i got the same error again. I thought that my installation was not able to find the module responsible of decoding different formats. I couldn't find any solution to the problem, but i figured out that I was wrong about renaming the file. this was not enough as a work around.
I reinstalled the imageMagick another time but with some more complex steps this time. this time I will add the PNG support to my installation.
Referring to my previous post, I found the ImageMagick not working it gave me the following error..
Error Output: dyld: Library not loaded: /ImageMagick-6.3.8/lib/libMagick.6.dylib Referenced from: /Users/tfield/ImageMagick-6.3.8/bin/convert Reason: image not found
I couldn't find the reasons for this error. So, I deleted my installations and started to compile it from scratch. the end result was as I expected, it works now on my MAC. It seems that the there is something wrong with the binary distribution.
A very nice web-based application is now available to extract txt from PDF files.. PDFTextOnline is a web2.0 application that helps you save the extraction to plain text file, and change the layout and font, as well as access the bookmarks and properties of the original PDF file.
Today I came acroos Viddler, one of the broadcast sites. I laughed when I saw it, and I have my reasons .
the site lets users add their comments on a given shots of the video with the ability to use their own webcam, as well as tagging a given shot...Brilliant, I think. Somehow, it may sound impractical specially when the video receives so many comments. But the idea is still very nice.. Waiting for some more.
A wonderful movie with a wonderful Super Star.. Will Smith.
The movie is very well made, much more better than the silly movies of "Walking Death". The Last man on earth played by Will Smith, gives you really how can you feel when you are very alone. the charisma of Smith was very enough to let you be attractive to the Dr Neville during the film. The director played a very good suspense, give you the curiosity to know what would appear at night. Instead, he postponed this and let you wonder "what can make the man sleep with his dog in the bath"...
If I have the time to write about that movie, I can write many lines.
Referring to my previous post, I made a simple web application using the new installed rails. In the start I was confused, some of my code was not working as expected. I just left rails for 2 months, what a hell has happened??? Did I forgot anything about rails!!
the first thing not working with me was the templates..oh, the naming convention was changed in new rails. So, instead of "show.rhtml" i should name it "show.html.erb". I don't like when the naming conventions are changed, but the naming change was not on the MICROSOFT way. it was reasonable change. this convention was inserted to support multiview, now, i will be able to support many templates "show.json.erb", "show.html.erb"..etc This is really interesting.
Many of things have changed!! even the migrations. they are completely different...look more friendly than before.
Something makes me worry is that the ruby environment is too liquid. in a release a lot of things can happen.
The environment I work within now doesn't help me to follow the rails move...I am worry that I loose track.
Finally, i am able of grabbing all my links. a firefox add-on copy all-urls will copy all the urls of opened tabs. All u have to do is simply go to edit->copy all urls.
Today, I spent the majority of time reading about Arab in Al-Andalus. I was impressed about the cultural mix going on there, and then the way that the mix was replaced by racism and foolish. I was very impressed about how the Arab affected the Spanish history(real history), and how this was completely denied in the Spanish memory/history.
The Spanish kings tried to clean any arab existence in Al-Andalus, but they couldn't clear their inner respect to this Amazing Civilization so that they kept all the palaces and cities as they were.
I read magnificent things about Alhambra palace. I wish I can pass by this great architecture some day. I was really impressed by the architecture, the mathematics. the palace represents the peak of craft for architecture and mathematics.
و دقيت على باب الأمل و الصبر .. ما جاوبني غير الصدى مات الزمان .. و الأرض صبحت قبر .. و تطل عيني على المدى آه .. يا ولدي إيه أكتر من ده دم؟ إيه أكتر من ده هم يا أمة العرب؟ حنموت إذا مات الغضب اترملوا الأرامل .. و اتيتموا اليتامى و دم الشهيد اللي اتنسى .. حرام ولا حلال يا عالم؟ و دم الشهيد اللي اتنسى .. حرام ولا حلال يا خلق الله؟ يا أمة العرب .. هل متِّ؟ هل هنتِ؟ أرض العرب بتُغتَصَب و بتُغتَصَب فين العروبة و الرجولة و الرجال؟ فين الخطاوي اللي حتعبر المحال و تجاوب السؤال؟ يا أمة العرب .. شيء من الغضب شيء من الغضب .. شيء من الغضب
يا امه العرب كلمات عبد الرحمن الابنودي من فيلم عمر المختار
Sometimes people argue that using an open WiFi is not "stealing", it is the same as listening to the radio. If the signals come to my device without hacking, then logically it's legal to access them!! If my neighbor is silly, it's basically his problem.
Actually, I don't agree with this. Islam doesn't allow to hurt others. accessing your neighbor WiFi may eat his broadband and slow down his connection (hence affect his own access to his proprietary)
Being Muslim....Good muslim implies you can't take anything without permission. I believe this is enough to make stealing Wi-Fi connections forbidden.
in UK, accessing unsecured WiFi without permission is considered illegal. I think it is the same in some of the USA states.