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PhD Candidate at Purdue University, Computer Science.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

the Crew

today i got a surprise.

i was totally astonished.
i got a gift from my company. it was really nice.
it's first time i get such present.
it's a digital Cam ...terrific

i am not the only one who get a present. there were 3 also. they got MP3 players :) everyone desrved a gift on his way.
mayb i deserved it bcoz i am the thinnest one in the company as meedo says..:) then i should keep on it.
next time, i should ask for a car or a bride.

this company has a high family spirit.

...Job Fair days


magic said...

You know Fizo how much u r aprreciated and cherished at work. I'm very glad we are on the same team and hope we remain like that;)
use the camera wisely ba2a. read the manual first:p
You deserver more & more.

Ahmed Abd-ElHaffiez Hussein said...

these r very sweet words.
i really appreciate being with u. the crew inspire me. i can't do wt i am doing without u.